The Tom Main Award
Do you know someone who has produced an award-worthy IPM-related piece of work?
The Tom Main Award takes the form of a certificate which was traditionally awarded for a piece of work demonstrating excellence in IPM work. It has not been awarded for some time and in our 50th Anniversary Year the IPM Council decided that it would be a good time to resurrect it.
It can be in any format (excluding posters for the ASM, which have their own award system):
- Verbal, as in delivering a talk, case presentation or teaching.
- Written, this can be online or in a publication, such as the IPMJ
- Clinical, demonstrated by patient feedback or colleague nomination
- Research in the field of psychosexual medicine
- Audit in the field
- Any other area deemed excellent by the committee
Closing date for nominations: Thursday 6th March 2025
Prior to the ASM the Tom Main Committee will meet to consider the nominations.
The Committee:
Caroline Hunter (IPM Chair)
Gillian Vanhegan (Nominated by Council to administer Tom Main Award)
Nancy Conroy (IPMJ Co-Editor)
Stuart Dawe-Long (Media and Communications Secretary)
Penny Goold (Recertification Officer)
Possible contenders can be nominated by anyone within the IPM or who has close associations with the IPM. The committee will choose a winner and the Certificate will be presented at the ASM.
We look forward to receiving your nominations!
Gillian Vanhegan
On behalf of the Tom Main Award Committee